Twitter updater

UPDATE: Please head on over to the new home of my plugin: TWITTERUPDATER.COM this post here will not be updated any longer!!!

So, I found this cool plugin posting updates to twitter once you wrote a new blog post (or edited an old one). It’s pretty nice and can be found on the authors, Victoria Chan, site here (v1.1).

Jonathan Dingman then released an update adding tinyurl support (v2.0) which can be found here.

I just edited this v2.0 and replaced the tinyurl-support with support for the new url-shortening service ZZ.GD which results in even shorter short-urls saving more space in the tweet in case a post title is longer…

My new version (v2.07.1) can be found here (please read edits below for more information!!!): Twitter Updater v2.07.1

Known Issues:

  • None atm

Feature requests:

  • Possibility to include post’s category in tweet

1. Download the plugin (see above link.)
2. Unzip the compressed file to your hard drive.
3. Upload the “twitter_updater” folder to your wp-content/plugins folder.
4. Browse to the Plugins page under wp-admin and activate the plugin.
5. Setting the options: Browse to Manage->Twitter Updater.
6. On this page, you can set any options you would like to.
7. IMPORTANT: Make sure you enter your Twitter username and password, then click on “save login”
8. That’s it! Now your status will be updated every time you publish a new post.

Edit (July 15th 2008): Just a quick note…the recent release of WP 2.6 has messed something up. While the plugin continues to work fine in WP version 2.5.1 and older, it keeps firing two updates (one with an invalid in WP 2.6. I’m going to investigate…stand by for news…and hopefully a quick fix.

Edit #2 (July 15th 2008): I’ve identified the culprit…WP2.6 uses post-revisions (saving multiple instances of the post using autosave)…hence the multi-tweet…working on a fix now…

Edit #3 (July 15th 2008): It’s indeed the post-revisions thing, but the quick workaround I tried (disabling post revisions after all) has had some major side-effects (namely edits of posts were not saved anymore)…so I really need to address this issue by checking the post status and ignoring revisions…fix probably coming tomorrow…for the time being please just manually delete the first auto-tweet.

Edit #4 (July 17th 2008): Sorry about the delay, but my computer fried itself today, so I had no time to fix it yet…exciting news forthcoming…as hopefully the fix…stay tuned.

Edit #5 (July 17th 2008): This little plugin has it’s own twitter source parameter now…so it’ll say “from Ingoal’s Twitter Update” instead of “from web” from now on…you can grab the latest version, version 2.02 above…version 2.03 with the bugfix (double-tweet) is still forthcoming…

Edit #6 (July 22nd 2008): Sorry about the delay…but I had something else going on, so it took me a while to write the fix. I deleted some of the options, from now on out you’ll have the update choice to auto-twitter when posting a new post (with or without link using and auto-twittering when editing old posts…that’s it. Compatible to WordPress version 2.6! So if you’re running WP 2.6, please update to version 2.03!!! …and if you’re running WP 2.5.1 or older, please continue to use version 2.02!!! Hat tip to microkid for his hint about identifying WordPress post revisions and auto-saves!!!

Edit #7 (July 27th 2008): Fixed the post-title issue. In the prior version post titles were truncated if they included an ampersand ( & )…this is fixed now…please update.

Edit #8 (July 29th 2008): Introduced alternative method to retrieve the shorturl from (using curl)…please update if you had problems (error message, empty shorturl) and make sure you have a look at the twitter updater page (manage) -> check the new checkbox! If you didn’t have problems you don’t need to do anything…

Edit #9 (August 04th 2008): Introduced a cascading in the shorturl generation. After was down the last two days due to server issues, ppl using the plugin were stuck with empty shorturls. To rectify that situation and keep it from happening in the future the cascade of — was introduced. If is down, the shorturl will be generated using Other cascades might be added in the future, but for now, this one seems to be more than enough.

Edit #10 (October 18th 2008): So…Marco “Saphod” Luthe put up a modded version of the 2.06 version that fixes the future post (and save post) issues. I took the liberty to rename his modded version 2.06 to version 2.07 and I’m officially releasing it here. Thanks again Marco! All you users and readers out there feel free to drop by his site to thank him for the fix…and happy tweeting/twittering….

Edit #11 (November 1st 2008):Corrected tinyurl api url, so that if you’re using tinyurl instead of you’re getting the correct short-url…

New Photoblog…

…not that I had an old-one, lol, but as I got myself a new digital camera today, I thought I’d start a photoblog as part of It can be found here. Let’s see how long I can keep it uptodate with photos…my plan is to post a photo every day, let’s see how that works out. If you would like to follow my photoblog, check in regularly or subscribe using your favourite feedreader…

This is NOT a paid review…(Antispyware Tool)

I just wanted to give a big shoutout to the makers of SuperAntiSpyware as their software did a really great job on cleaning my system. It all started a few days back when some nasty spyware infected my system. No big deal I thought, so I fired up all the usual tools (e.g. Adaware, Spybot S&D, HijackThis)…to no avail…not even a safe-mode reboot and cleaning-procedure could get rid of it.

Bring in SuperAntiSpyware – Free Edition. Installed it, auto-downloaded the newest updates and definition files, ran it once, rebooted once and my system is clean. Awesome.

So once again, this is not a paid review, it’s just a message from me saying: Great software and if you’ve got problems with a spyware-infected system, give it a try!

Now I know how it feels being scalped…

…well, kind of, I would say I know how it feels like being scalped on local anaesthesia. Got a lipoma removed from my forehead this morning. I’m usually a pretty tough person and the local anaesthesia really helped a lot, once it wore off though, it started to hurt pretty good. The funny thing is that you normally don’t even realize how much your forehead is used in expressing stuff, as it’s really automatic. So it automatically hurt a lot during the day…thank god for (light) painkillers…

Me, compression bandage on

The compression bandage will come off tomorrow during the usual after-OP checkup…let’s see how it looks with a normal bandage on tomorrow…

Ride with the wind…

Well, if the new MSI Wind will really hit the market with a price tag around the 399$ range, I’m soooooo going to get one. Why? Not because I desperately need one, after all I’ve got a regular notebook ( 14″ ) and an Apple iPhone already, but because I think this could be a nice gadget in between those two devices. Ultra portable and yet a full computer…

MSI Wind

Maybe this could work for your and my benefit

Inspired by ShoeMoney‘s Free Shirt Friday I would like to introduce the Free Stuff Day. How I envision this thing to take off is:

  1. You’ve got a site you want to promote?
  2. You’ve got some swag* promoting your site?
  3. Send it to us and we will post a pic of the swag and provide at least one link back to your site.
  4. Both sides win ;-)

If you’re interested in sending us your swag, feel free to send it to:
Ingo Hildebrandt
ATTN: Free Stuff Day
Neckargasse 7
71726 Benningen

If you’ve got questions and suggestions feel free to contact us at! Oh, and if it’s a T-Shirt you’re sending, please make it XL and include a note with the address of the site/blog on it (only necessary if it’s not on the T-Shirt). Thank you.

* Promotional merchandise for a band, record label, or other entity in the music business, usually distributed at concerts.

May include t-shirts, stickers, promo CDs, posters, etc. Often free, but not necessarily; a t-shirt or record purchased at a concert might still be considered swag, especially if it is a design or release that is not readily available in the mass market.

Many independent record labels throw in a handful of free swag when they ship out mail-order packages (stickers, sampler CDs, etc).

The chief difference between swag and regular merchandise is that its purpose is not to make a profit, but to promote the band/label, and reward its supporters by giving them something cool and unique.
Source: Urban Dictionary

Google is too powerful

Well, maybe it isn’t…it just came across my mind to check my ad income though and I can tell you this much, their recent adaptation to “text-link-sellers” really works. Ever since they did the whole “You get less PR if not 0 right away, if you sell text-links”-thing not only are my blogs PR0, but they’re earning less from text-links (d’uh)…so I applaud Google…their strategy worked again…although not completely…because I don’t care. You heard me…if you think that I’m going to stop selling text-links because you stripped my PR you’re mistaken. Thanks…end rant.

How to start the new year on the wrong foot…

…just try to do a quick update of your server management software (Plesk) and watch how shit hits the fan…then try to fix it and make things even worse…curse…then try to get it back up and finally succeed (partially)…

So sick…so…if you’re seeing this, it means that part of the server is back up on it’s feet…happy new year…and please stand by while I try to fix the rest…

Stress…no g00t for me…

Well, well, it’s been a while since my last post and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride…and the ride isn’t over yet either…

I don’t want to go into too much detail on here, but let’s just say that the stuff I’m working on is really getting on my nerves…literally…never ever have I been more stressed…and the stress is really getting to me mentally and physically, too. But oh well, what can you do…pull through it I guess…

On a brighter note…I totally forgot to tell you about my newest gadget…not much time to play with it, but so far, I really like the thing….


My pimped out iPhone with customized screen and all…

Pimped iPhone

Alrighty…I’m outta here…back to work…