Dedicated server update

As mentioned in an earlier post I was thinking hard about getting myself a dedicated server, especially for one of my new sites: I did so and everything went quite well, although the hosting company wanted me to transfer the domains I wanted to use on the server over to them – not a good idea IMO. So I went back and forth with their technical support to no avail.

…and just as I was about to transfer at least one domain over I thought: why not ask my fellow SitePoint Forums Advisors/Mentors for help? So I did and right away Jason Sweat was right on the money with his hint: use! I did and everything seems to be up and running – finally.

If you encounter any problems with it could be that the DNS update isn’t yet fully propagated…

Ingoal’s Rating:

  • Product Name: Strato Power Server
  • Cost: 19.90 Euro / month
  • AMD Sempron 2200
  • 512MB Ram
  • 60GB HDD (in my case 80GB :-) )
  • Price/Performance index (so far): 5/5
  • Customer Service index – quickness: 1/5
  • Customer Service index – helpfulness: 1/5

I guess the old saying is true: you get what you pay for – in my case a nice little server along with not so nice customer support…although I can’t really blame them for their policies (domains need to be transfered to them if you want to use their nameservers) – after all their trying to make a buck or two, too ;-)

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