Final Week…

…and the last chance to get near Mr. Price…”my team” put in a good effort, but it wasn’t enough to catch up… :tdown:

Ingoal’s score: 51 points (1183 points total)
Mr. Price’s score: 14 points (1257 points total)

Alrighty then, Mr. Price…you won our little bit…that’ll be one free account for next season :tup:

Week 34

Ingoal’s score: 38 points (1070 points total)
Mr. Price’ score: 40 points (1190 points total)

Seems that all the transfers in the world can’t save me…I guess it’s one free account for Mr. Price…(or maybe not :wink: )…

Week 17

Ingoal’s score: 57 pts (total: 549 pts)
Mr. Price’s score: 35 pts (total: 688 pts)

Woohoo! The first week in ages that I was able to get some points back, maybe it isn’t over after all. Watch out, here I come ;-)